Sunday, June 8, 2008

Rains are back with a bang.

Pouring rain has hit us again. Instead of a nice slow start this year its back with a bang. Pouring away for the last 3 days now. It caught me in the middle of our annual water proofing of the roof.

So now its no water in the balcony but mini-lake in the living room. Am keeping the mop handy as usual. Had the workers doing plastering in the house yesterday. Incredibly messy it is. With cement all over the place. We have so many things in the house that removing them takes ages. Finally they finished after almost 12 hrs at 9pm. Then the clean up etc had mom & me working till almost 10pm.

Got a nasty shock on friday nite. Collected mom's report and took to doc. He looked very worried on seeing the reports. Apparently mom has a very nasty bug which causes infections in diabetics & senior citizens with lowered immunity. Problem is drugs to treat it are very bad ones which cause more harm than good. Hospitalization was mentioned as they are all intravenous. He asked me to meet a urologist to decide next steps. Met him on friday nite itself. More tests are in the pipeline. I ended up outside the doc's wondering how do i tell mom this with tears in my eyes. Was composed by the time i got home & sat and told mom and Sachin about the test results. Mom isn't feeling sick and so is reluctant of course to be hostpitalized but its always infections like these that are more dangerous as it gives false information to the body and cloaks the infection and toxins cleverly. Read up some papers on it & now am more worried.

This has been a bad ending to the week. To add to my list of woes mouse comes home with his face all swollen, right eye swollen shut, face all full of cuts, ear bloody. Was sleeping quietly in chair in the passage when I saw him in the morning. He looked so bad that I almost called the vet in a panic.

Cleaned him up & have put medicines on his wounds. Am taking him to vet tomorrow to rule out any sepsis of wounds etc. I hope the rains keep him at home more nights and so he stays safe and away from other fighting tom cats. Its not nice to be a tom cat, ur always in a fight...wether you want to be or not...someone is always challenging you. Seems to be out of a wild west western where the best gunslingers always had someone younger trying to outdo them.


Vipin said...
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Vipin said...

Hug. It's all going to be fine dear.

meow said...

Thanks boy. Am keeping my fingers & toes crossed till then.

ShrutiWrites said...

I try to imagine what you might have felt when the doc told you about the reposts. This is one fear that haunts me all the time, while I sit so far away from my parents. I'm glad you are near your mom, to be there, to make her understand and to find support in each other. You are a brave girl. Hugs to you.

meow said...

Thanks Shruti....hugg to u too :)