Friday, May 30, 2008


Am facing that everyday from the darlings. I will do what i want is basically the moto. Pinks has also decided to be catassertive from now; if that means spending all night outside the house... so be it. I just has to deal with it. (which I'm doing by saying to myself...its a phase...soon it will rain & it'll be too wet for her to do that)

I don't even know what brought this on. I wish i did. How did my meekest cat suddenly become different? Nowadays i meet her downstairs when i return from work, madam is heading out for the umpteenth time that day to do what (god alone knows) She of course has sachin wrapped around her tiniest little claw; he lets her go out in the middle of the night too. Home has become a place for meals & naps. Madam looks at me indignantly if i tell her sorry Pinks its 4 am i am not opening the door for u. Sleep it off till 6.

In case someone is wondering (what the hell is she doing at 4am?) sleep walking to the kitchen to feed tangy who decides 4am is nice time for a snack. I get I am hungry meows in my ears & if that doesn't work, elbow nibbles always wake me up.

I have actually perfected the art of feeding them without actually waking up (cause that spells disaster for me, cant sleep once i'm fully awake and then am cranky the next day too)
One thing I fail to understand is how all 4 feel hungry at the same time. No matter what time of the night it is, midnight snacks has a full house with all 4 heads eating out of bowls.

Which reminds me of a funny thing when tangy & girlie were kittens. Both the twins used to visit the litter tray at the same time...and i mean the exact same time. It wasn't like one headed towards the tray & the other one followed. They both used to go together. I always wondered do human kids (twins i mean) do that too? and how does that work?

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