Saturday, November 17, 2007

Small Changes

Decided to make small changes in my life. Starting with getting some regular exercise. Walks everyday at 5 gardens have been started for the last few days. Cats have been surprised to find me awake at their witching hour. Calling it that cause that's the time when the house is entirely theirs (we humans are fast asleep, they are all congregated in the kitchen planning cat capers)

Every morning when I enter the kitchen I find Pinks fast asleep on the dining table, Tangy on the dining chair, Girlie snoozing away on top of the microwave. But they are all awake at around 6 which is my new wake up time. Mobile phone alarms are a super must have in life. I depend on mine to ring me awake every morning. It does, its never failed me till date. I so love my sony ericsson phone, its been a looooooong love affair now. Over a year and a half old and still going strong.

Tangy is so surprised to see me sleep walk around the kitchen in the morning, he keeps following me around, asking questions (meows actually which i feel are all questions like what are u up to? )

Morning walks or evening ones would be so much more interesting were i to see some interesting people. Unfortunately so far the interesting ones seem to be hitting the gyms :D
My companions are all old uncles & aunties. Loads of pot bellied middle aged guys eyeing all the women who pass them on the road. Serious exercise buffs jogging on the road (practising for the marathon me thinks) Groups of ladies doing yoga in the garden, groups of older men practising acupressure in another. Kids playing cricket at 6.30am ( was thought running thru head, i have to watch out for cricket balls even now!) What time do they start playing i wondered. Divali vacation is the answer i think, I shouldnt see them doing that once school reopens on Monday.
I hope so, dodging other walkers, dog poop on the footpath, vendors selling fruits, water stalls (good idea that by some good samaritans) groups of dogs sitting in middle of road watching mad humans run & walk past them with bemused expressions on their face are entertaining enough.

Me I listen to Amy Winehouse belting out love songs in my ears; Coldplay works well for walks too. Daughtry screams I'm going home on the way back. Fuzz's voice singing night is mournful somehow makes me misty eyed. It has such longing that song. It makes me wonder what it takes to get someone to feel that way about you.

The older one gets i think priorities change. I don't find myself wondering if I can buy a car or a house. I find myself thinking that i hope to get to spend as much time as possible with my loved ones. Life is fleeting!

Jerry & Pinks turned 6 last week. Found myself thinking cats live for 15 years. I hope i have them with me for that long.

I think I have had a pretty good life so far; except for not falling in love (one cant get it all I guess :D) I was thinking the other day there are so many people on this planet who are married, have kids, yet have never been in love either. Who's priorities and outlook of life is completely different from my own. Isn't it strange how each one of us is governed by our upbringing, our circumstances, our relationships.

My parents have never forced me to do anything as an adult. Decisions have always been mine to take. Yet I always consulted them. Their relationship has greatly influenced me. Their love for one another has influenced all 4 of us i feel. I know its an accepted tradition as part of our society that parents decide who you marry. So many of my friends have had arranged marriages, all my cousins have had marriages arranged by parents or some other relatives. I've received advice from my uncles & aunts about getting married as soon as possible umpteen number of times.

Find aunties in my colony advising me to get married as soon as possible because of the way I look. I'm thinking it a prerequisite of life that i'm unaware of, you are attractive so you should be married & have kids.

What I find strange is the strong belief that these people have in themselves. They are always right. Don't you dare point out otherwise. Every guy they recommend is the best possible match for you. They don't even know the guy; but he has the right father and the right job and of course is of your caste (most important) No matter how much we progress somehow we are regressing where some things are concerned.

Life certainly does move in circles. I find my cousins doing the same thing that their parents did 25 odd years ago to them. What's even stranger is finding my neices spouting the same dialogues as ones I've heard from their mom's years ago. Will work if he allows me to (i'm thinking girl don't u have any say in your life...he's your partner in life, he doesnt own you) Attending weddings & hearing this from my 20 odd year old neices frankly puts me in a depression for a few hours. What use is education when you don't respect yourself & value your rights?

Finding a partner who thinks you are equal to him & respects your brains as much as he appreciates your looks matter. Looks fade respect doesn't. Its very unfortunate that we as women dont respect ourselves enough.

Shared a car with an office colleague the other day who tells me his daughters are guests in his house. I give them whatever they demand, I indulge them as they are temporary in my house.
I was left speechless frankly, if dads still think this way in 2007. Poor girls. Can they ever depend on him to stand by them?

I am very lucky in that respect. My dad never let me think I was a guest in my own home. Love was without conditions & limitless. Dad was someone I could always turn to.
It is with complete confidence that I knew that no matter what happened to me my parents will always be there with me. Never against me.

Gotta go; Mom's calling for dinner.


soulasylum said...

what an AMAZING post., You have displayed an array of emotions... I know what you say about marriage. Kind off going through the same phase. But its important to hang in there riht? afterall marriage is not the only thing in life contrary to what neighbours and aunties believe. For all you know they must envy carefree, independent women like us:D Keep up with the walks! And Shilps..LET THE CHILDREN PLAY CRICKETT!:D

meow said...

Thanks Dee. I agree, maybe they do envy us :D

Hanging in there!!

I think its very tough to find that someone who cares for u & wants to hold your hand. But when I do find him I'm going to be so glad I did.

Some things in life you just cant compromise matter how long it takes!

Kits said...

Sheelpee well said. I agree wth this..I wd hate to be the person who marries and divorces within three years of marriage. Its such an important commitment to someone for the rest of yur life.

Its 2007 and ppl still live in centuries gone by. I fite a continuous battle with my parents. Their marriage influenced me to such an extent I knw I would not be able to handle an arranged marriage. No guarantees tht the guy I find will last thru with me but somehow its my choice and my decision. Hard fite to fite but we must :) Wot is life without meaningful fites like this no?

meow said...

Kits i agree 100% Some fights are definitely worthwhile.

There are no guarantees in life, we can err. But its our choice I feel I can live with that.

I've had cousins with arranged marriages tell me its ok, you adjust.
Somehow I think we always end up adjusting in jobs, life in general...the buck stops not willing to adjust :D