Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Rainy Tales...or Tails

Haven't written for some time now, so have lots of small interesting stories to tell :)

Girl Cat Fight this morning, both pinky & girly had their weekly fight in the staircase. Hair standing on ends, growling away...girly in submission...pinks having the upper paw. Phew!
Both the sleepy boys came to investigate who was winning in the fight...of course no fight heard the growls & howls & broke up the fight with some well aimed water.

Feeling a bit lost...Thaku (Mom cat) had been waiting for me to come home all of last week; so of course was expecting her to follow norm this week too. Of course not...madam decides to get fed elsewhere.
It was such a nice feeling to see her waiting for me near our building entrance every evening; felt so loved & wanted. Of course her intentions werent so noble ...madam was hungry & knew that i had whiska for every evening she'd get fed by me.

Something funny to share; saw this small ad stuck near the seat on my train whilst going home a couple of weeks ago..."Gigolo for hire"...with a mobile number. Was so amused, wow they actually advertise & what an apt place to put the ad, 1st class women's compartment. Talk abt targetted marketing.

Wanted to take a snap with my cell phone; but then wondered what other women in the compartment with me would think about me. So refrained from doing that. Of course life is such that i havent seen the ad again since then. Such is life!

Since the rains have started (sort of) Jerry has decided to spend his nights inhouse. So now I'm sharing bed with Jerry & Tangy. You wouldnt think 2 cats take up much space, but then you havent seen Jerry.

So I'm getting paws, furry ears, furrier tails etc in my face when i wake up. Of course its never the same every day. If its a furry face on my arm today...guaranteed its gonna be a furry tail tomm. They love to roll around on the bed; some kinda cat-thing i think, every 30 mins or so they get up, streeeeeeeeeetch (very cat way, full body stretch) & shift around on bed. Scratching, cleaning are all parts of this routine...following the stretch of course.

Don't think i'm so patience will end & both the boys will be spending nights on dining table chairs in kitchen rather than my bed, hasnt happened yet...but will soon, there's only so many nights that i can spend sleeping on one side of the bed while they share the whole bed between themselves.

Had an amazing rickshaw driver yesterday evening, was driving like a participant in the 2007 Rickshaw Grand Prix...actually had me thinking abt my insurance coverage. Thoughts like is my coverage enough...flashed through my head.

Why is it that when you think ok if this guy crashes you are dead for sure, instead of your whole life flashing before your eyes (as said in most books) your head is filled with random useless thoughts like insurance coverage & incredibly dirty roads filled with garbage.., shouldnt they be more profound!

I guess it depends on the person; maybe some people actually have their life flash before their eyes (how does that work i wonder) Mine were just ugh very dirty garbage riddled roads, dead dog too (whom i'm trying to avoid seeing everytime i pass that way; but somehow there he is...looking worse every day) Why doesnt someone clean up the road near Kailash industrial estate sometime in this century.


Kits said...

Not nice sight that dog! Yes life does flash sometimes..when I can feel it flashing, I start yelling at the rick driver- I tell him I don't wanna die! :D

Vipin said...

Beautiful post as usual Shilpi. :)
You should have got a photo of the "targeted advertisement", would have been interesting :D

meow said...

I'm still on the lookout, lets see i might just get "lucky" some day....i live in hope.

Anonymous said...

Omg. the rickshaw grand prix is a daily event here in Gachibowli. Saw a rick guy lose control and fall on one side just two days ago. And there's also the 'how many people can I stuff into my rickshaw competition'. Exciting, no?

Kits said...

Tres exciting it sounds Item!