Saturday, April 7, 2007

Sleep - A Weekend Essential

I started out the day doing a very necessary the ceiling fans. Normally these kinda jobs were handled by my brother K, but since his marriage I don't think he's going to be visiting us to clean our fans (or will he?, maybe I should have asked him)

Anyway, took the new ladder (sturdy aluminium thing) & got on with the job, after climbing 3 of the steps realized that I suffer from a bit of vertigo, made all kinds of mental calculations.......if i slip how far is the bed for a me to jump onto it (Sounds funny now, believe me it wasn't at the time) I was trying to hold on to the ladder with 1 hand, while i cleaned the fan with a wet rag with the other.

Since it was my first time, realized that the fan is not the stationary object I always thought it to be. IT will need the 2nd hand to hold onto the fan blade. So of course the hand clutching the ladder had to be used to hold onto the fan blade........very scary moment that one.

But I am resilient, once I decide to do something..its done. So bedroom fan was all clean in 15 minutes. Mom had come out of the bathroom by then & held my ladder while I cleaned the kitchen fan. 2 Dusty fans were enough for me. Now they are all nice & clean. (Wonder how long that will last)

I'd made all kinds of plans in the morning...pre fan cleaning exercise...on how to spend the morning. But it was soooo hot that I abandoned all of them in favor of resting at home.

Took a nice long nap in the afternoon, nowadays i find myself spending both sat & sun afternoons napping (an activitiy that leaves me feeling very lethargic, hence i hate doing it) Find myself feeling very drowsy by the time clock hits 3pm, same thing happened today. I was watching a movie on Hallmark & eyes stopped co-operating, kept closing every few seconds. So decided to give in to body demands & took the nap.

Catching up on sleep shouldn't be my excuse as I haven't had many late nights this week. I sleep pretty well every night, mostly tangy decides to give me company (furry & hot bedmate i don't need) ........but my feelings on this subject though shared with him are ignored in typical cat manner by him.[cats natural body temp is around 104deg. F]

Somehow cats & kids have the knack of being tiny yet taking up the major portion of the bed. He can't be more than a foot long.....I'm 5feet how come i always end up sleeping on the edge & he is happily stretched out across the bed.

He is a wise cat who is distributing his time equally between the 2 women in his life. Afternoon naps are spent by him on mom's bed...usually at her feet. So he gives her his wonderful warm company & of course night times are reserved for me.

How smart is this cat?

1 comment:

Kits said...

Oh my...wot a lazzzy afternoon..Ask yur brother...they lurrve cleaning fans :D